Why You Need Drainage Pits

Why You Need Drainage Pits

Drainage pits are generally used at the end of a run of grating. Hydraulically speaking, long lines of grating can be a nightmare because the grating or the carrier may not hold the capacity of rain. This is where drainage pits (AKA sump, sump grate, stormwater pit, or sometimes, catchment pit) come in. Instead of 50 meters of linear grating, for example, within that 50 meters there may be two or three collecting pits, thus preventing the water from having to travel 50 meters in one line. In essence, pits are installed in line with the plumbing at intervals, generally for new buildings and applications, of every 20 meters or as needed.

What Are the Best Variety of Drainage Pit?

Drainage pits are most commonly found to be constructed of composite materials. However, just because composite pits are common, this does not make them the best choice. Stainless steel pits hold a number of advantages over their composite counterparts, namely, stainless steel drainage pits are:

  • Lighter than composite material pits, yet the integrity is still there
  • Cheaper to transport
  • Easier to install, less OH&S woes, for example a polymer concrete pit at 450mm clear opening would weigh about 43Kg verse the same pit in stainless steel at 16Kg
  • Easier to work with – no special tools required – no plume of mystery dust created if modification is required particularly with polymer concrete.
  • Expensive cutting wheels are required to cut polymer concrete.
  • Robust – won’t shatter if dropped compared to polymer concrete.
  • Stainless steel is cost effective in place of traditional mediums.

Need Drainage Pits?

At Auswave Products we supply stainless steel drainage pits as a component to our modular drainage system, CLICK DRAIN ®. By using CLICK DRAIN ® pits, channels, and other components, you have a drainage system that looks uniform above ground and aesthetically pleasing to the eye, also snugly interlocks, thus preventing water from egressing through section joins into the substructure.

To find out more about drainage pits and CLICK DRAIN ®, contact our helpful team.

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