Commercial Projects – The Strip Drain Solution

Slip Resistant Heelguard for Public Places

Slip resistant surfaces are vital, and even covered by construction codes, in public places. While there are many options for slip resistant flooring, few present it with the fast removal of water also. This is where slip resistant heelguard grating comes in.

Slip resistant heelguard strip drains present the ideal drainage solution for all manner of commercial use. They couple functional attributes with aesthetics making them the go-to solution for outdoor areas, high traffic indoor spaces, and even for industrial use.

Strip Drains for Outdoor Areas

Quite frequently, indoor and outdoor spaces demand very different drainage solutions. With stainless steel grates, we have all your bases covered!

Our stainless steel strip grates and trays are fabricated from 304 or 316 grades of stainless steel, making them the ideal outdoor medium. Corrosion resistant, UV stable, and able to withstand salty air, our products are utilised in all manner of outdoor applications, from outdoor dining spaces, to commissions from government departments (for example, civil precinct developments.).

Our slip resistant heelguard grating provides the drainage efficiency of wedgewire, with the safety of heelguard grates, and additional bead blasted slip resistant finish. With a sleek aesthetic, with slip resistant heelguard linear grates (yes, quite a mouthful!) you truly can have it all!

Commercial and Industrial Solutions

Outdoor spaces are not the only ones that benefit from slip resistant heelguard strip drains. From public amenities and other commercial applications, through to large industrial facilities, our commercial strip drains have the durability demanded by these high traffic environment.

Slip Resistant Heelguard Strip Drains by Auswave Products

We do not attest to being the only purveyor of strip drains, nor of commercial solutions, however, what we do offer, where many others fall short, is a sleek, custom design look.

The sleek part, well, that we give thanks to the lustre of stainless steel, and the allure of wedgewire.

The custom design look, well, that is more than just a look. We offer a number of standard products for commercial use, including our highly customisable CLICK DRAIN ®  modular drainage system. Further to that, we provide full custom fabrications, allowing us to accommodate the most ambitious or artistic of strip drain requirements!

Contact our helpful team to talk about commercial strip drains for your indoor, or outdoor, area.

Too many entries. Please call if you have any questions.



CALL US: 1300 783 632


Wheelchair compliant AS1428.2 (part 2 clause 9C)

Cycle safe AS 3996 (clause 3.3.6)

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