What are Linear Drains?
A linear drain, as the name suggests is a drain that is arranged or extended along a straight line. As far as appearance goes, linear drains, stretch out in a neat, continuous and orderly system. They are usually placed in a corner or discreet location where two surfaces in your wet area meet naturally. So, imagine next to a corner wall, or at the entry point of your shower.
Linear drains are an alternative to the more common ‘point’ or ‘centre’ drains. Centre drains as the name suggests, are usually placed in the centre of a wet area. Although, they are much smaller in size, because they are usually placed bang in the centre of a space, they are more obvious to the eye – read more about this here.
Advantages of Linear Drains
Linear drains offer various advantages in comparison to centre drains. Firstly, from a functional point of view, they offer superior and fast removal of water. Secondly, the slope in the floor only needs to run in one direction. Having a one-way floor slope, implies, that floor tiles of a larger size can be easily installed. Thirdly, a linear drainage system makes it possible to have a kerb-less or step-free space.
Altogether, these factors imply more design freedom. A greater range of options opens up, positively impacting both functionality and aesthetics.
Intention and Clarity at Design Stage
If you are at a point of choosing a drainage system for your space, there are a few things to consider. From a functionality point of view, the effectiveness of a drainage system depends upon how water is moving. The slope and surface of the floor determines how water is directed towards the drainage system. If you are retrofitting a space where a centre drain has been installed, expect to budget for a major renovation. The floor finish will have to be removed and the floor resurfaced and re-waterproofed. This can negatively impact on costs and time.
If you are at an early design stage, and are convinced that linear drainage is right for you, you are on the right track. Make the decision early and plan it out correctly and you will be laughing. Linear drainage systems, can be more expensive when compared to centre grates, but the functionality and aesthetics make up for it.
Auswave’s Linear Drains
If you are in the market for an attractive and contemporary linear drain, then look no further. We have a large choice of products in our range. Each one, offers a superior look, ease of installation and custom-fabrication. Our products comply with Australian standards and codes. We offer a large range of grating options, finishes and colours. Our products are especially suited to shower cubicles, bathrooms and other wet-areas in your home and beyond!
Contact our helpful team to organise your linear drainage solution today!
Linear Bathroom Grates Gallery
- Printed Linear Grate
- Gold Plated Linear Grate
- Perforated Linear Grates
- Green Linear Wedgewire Grate
- Wedgewire Coloured Grates
- Coloured Shower Grates